The Auditory Language, Perception, Hearing, and Attention Lab
Birkbeck College and UCL
Fred Dick and Adam Tierney, co-directors

Adam is Reader (Associate Professor) in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Birkbeck College, University of London. Fred is Professor of Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience in the Department of Experimental Psychology at UCL, and Director of the Birkbeck/UCL Centre for NeuroImaging (BUCNI). Adam and Fred are both faculty in the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development (CBCD) at Birkbeck

Magdalena Kachlicka
Postdoctoral Fellow
Magdalena was an MSc student with Adam studying the links between behavioral and neural indices of auditory processing, and second language learning. She then started her PhD at the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, where she has been working on characterizing city soundscapes. Her PhD work in the Alphalab focuses on uncovering the factors that underlie the emergence of natural sound categories and their neural representations.

Egor Levchenko
PhD student
Egor is a LIDO-funded PhD student who is working with Fred, Adam, and Jeremy Skipper on both experimental and naturalistic studies of communication signals (linguistic and non-linguistic) using EEG and FMRI.

Letitia Schneider
PhD student
Letitia is a part-time PhD student who is working with Fred and Martina Callaghan on basic auditory processing using advanced fMRI methods.
Matt Gardner
Research Fellow
Matt is a design engineer working on a research project funded by the NIHR for an MRI equipment that will assist in reducing head motion.

Raha Razin
Research Assistant
Raha was an MSc student with Fred, studying the impact of category learning on auditory selective attention. She has since worked as a Research Assistant for both Adam and Fred, using EEG, behavioural, and fMRI techniques to study various aspects of auditory processing.

Isma Zulfiqar
Postdoctoral Fellow
Isma is a Computer Engineer with a Masters degree in Advanced Computer Science from The University of Sheffield, UK. She was introduced to the application of computer science to auditory neuroscience while working at the University of Cambridge with Dr. William Marslen-Wilson and Dr. Li Su.
To pursue this interdisciplinary interest, she joined the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio), Maastricht University, The Netherlands in 2015 for doctoral research. Under the supervision of Dr. Elia Formisano, Dr. Peter de Weerd, and Dr. Michelle Moerel, she worked on the computational modeling of the auditory cortex and the prospects of using computational models to improve the understanding of neuroimaging and behavioral data. She continued this work during her postdoctoral research in Maastricht with Dr. Federico de Martino and Dr. Martin Havlicek developing laminar (neuronal and hemodynamic) computational models and integrating with experimental data (fMRI, Electrophysiology) in Dynamic Causal Modeling Framework. She is currently working with Dr. Fred Dick and Dr. Lori Holt to understand (and then model) probabilistically weighted attention in audition.
Her primary area of interest is linking computational neuroscience and experimental data in audition.

Yael Balbastre
Postdoctoral Fellow

David Haydock
Postdoctoral Fellow
David is a Postdoctoral Fellow who is working with Fred and Robert Leech on categorisation of natural sounds in fMRI recordings, as well as real-time analysis methods for fMRI. His PhD investigated analysis methods for application to simultaneous EEG-fMRI, and was specifically focused on EEG microstate dynamics, as well as developing methods for association of microstates and fMRI.
Thomas Wood
Eva Periche
Christine Ozolins
Alejandra Sel
Mark Kenny-Jones
Former PhD student with Fred and Adam.
Former postdoctoral fellow with Fred and Denis at the CBCD, Birkbeck.
Former postdoctoral researcher working with Fred and Adam on an ESRC-funded project. She is currently a Lecturer in Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Royal Holloway.
Former postdoctoral fellow, now Professor of Neuroimaging Analytics, Kings College London
Former PhD student with Fred and Mark Johnson, now Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London
Former PhD student with Fred and Mark Johnson, now Senior Lecturer at the University of Surrey
Former PhD student with Fred and Michael Thomas, now Associate Professor at UCL
Former PhD student with Fred and Annette Karmiloff-Smith, now Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Royal Holloway, University of London
Former PhD student with Fred and Jennifer Aydelott, now Associate Director of Data Science at Novartis
Honorary AlphaLab member, former PhD student of Fred and Maria Chait based in Maria's lab at the UCL Ear Institute, now senior postdoctoral fellow at the University of Oxford
Former postdoctoral researcher with Adam, now taking a new academic staff position at the University of Cardiff
Former postdoctoral researcher with Fred and project coordinator at BUCNI, Davide has taken a new position as medical writer at IMC
Former postdoctoral researcher with Adam and Fred, now Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at Royal Holloway, University of London
Simon is a former postdoctoral fellow with Fred who has successfully developed an exciting new head cushioning system for MRI; he is now joining BUCNI as permanent staff.
Co-founder and former co-director of the AlphaLab with Fred Dick and faculty member at Oxford and Birkbeck.
Jennie Deignan
Katie Neal
Rachel Kelly
Bernadette Crowley
Ke Tan
Cliff Tapp
Elena Cretu
Hwee Ling Lee
Sarah Finnegan
Phil Kelly
Jo Wiltshire
Marcia Chew
Francesca Seri
James Webb
Elizabeth Stamou
Steph Towch
Ian Stanton
Seah Rhie
Faith Matagaro
Sinem Uyanik
Raha Razin
Marco Corsi
Akeliah Palmer
Belinda Brown
Ben Smith
Daniel Strezelecki
Donna Watson
Elisabeth Davies
Jo Maurine
Kim Khahn
Richard Abbott
Seema Ashraf
Tayla Goodman
Freddie Shelton
Lina Bergstrom
Natashia Benzian-Olsen
Lori Holt (Carnegie Mellon University)
Maria Chait (UCL)
Barb Shinn-Cunningham (Carnegie Mellon)
Martina Callaghan (UCL)
Nikolaus Weiskopf (MPI Leipzig)
Antoine Lutti (CHUV Lausanne)
David Carmichael (Kings College)
Stuart Rosen (UCL)
Marcus Pearce (QMUL)
Stephen Wilson (Vanderbilt)
Chris Petkov (Newcastle)
Rob Leech (Kings)
Emily Jones (Birkbeck)
Cathy Price (UCL)
Trevor Agus (Queens Belfast)
Impact Gumshields (Dublin)
Daniel Carey (Novartis)
Saloni Krishnan (Royal Holloway)
Lauren Stewart (Goldsmiths)
Peter Pfordresher (Buffalo)
Patrick Savage (Keio)
Kazuya Saito (UCL)
Milene Bonte (Maastricht )
Anniek Vaessen (Maastricht)
Jurgen Tijms (Amsterdam)
Adam Rogers
Jaya Narinesingh
Viktoria Sponholts
Kattja Phoenix
Sandra Ortiz Hernandez
Prabjot Kaura
Mandy Pan
Ligita Paksite
Daria Lakomkina
Paula Ramón
Francesca Seri
Janne Lohne
Magdalena Skowronska
Much of our research has been directed at investigating how language development, learning, and processing rely on domain-general skills and neural resources. An assumption underpinning much of theory and teaching in neurology and neuropsychology - both historically and today - is that the neural resources underlying language learning and use are highly specific to language, and divorced from more species-general brain regions and processes. The canonical example of such a putatively species- and domain-specific process is syntax. Our early work has shown that selective syntactic deficits arise from damage to domain-general brain regions, can be simulated cross-linguistically in healthy adults through acoustical and attentional manipulations, and can be modelled using basic statistics of language structure.
More generally, we have shown that multiple aspects of language development, learning, and breakdown are intimately linked with variations in more species-general abilities, such as auditory scene analysis of natural soundscapes and oromotor sequencing abilities. Many of the neural resources underlying processing of complex sensorimotor tasks are shared with analogous tasks performed with language. We have also shown that expertise in different non-linguistic auditory skills strongly shapes neuronal activation preferences in brain regions traditionally regarded as speech- and language-specific. These results lend support to our model of language as a constellation of expert skills acquired over years of learning - one that has been informed by my work in another canonical expert skill, face processing.
In order to understand how higher-level, human-specific skills such as language emerge from a brain organized around sensorimotor lines, we have also developed novel neuroimaging methods that allow for direct comparisons with cortical functional and myeloarchitectonic organisation in non-human primates. Coupled with novel language- and skill-learning paradigms, these basic neuroscience innovations hold great promise for progressing translational research in audition and communication.
Alphalab members articles (hopefully up-to-date-ish!)
Guerra, G., Tijms, J., Tierney, A., Vaessen, A., Dick, F., & Bonte, M. (2024). Auditory attention influences trajectories of symbol-speech sound learning in children with and without dyslexia. Journal of experimental child psychology, 237, 105761. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jecp.2023.105761
Guerra, G., Tierney, A., Tijms, J., Vaessen, A., Bonte, M., & Dick, F. (2023). Attentional modulation of neural sound tracking in children with and without dyslexia. Developmental science, e13420. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13420
Symons, A., Dick, F., & Tierney, A. (2023). Salient sounds distort time perception and production. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 10.3758/s13423-023-02305-2. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13423-023-02305-2
Symons, A. E., & Tierney, A. T. (2023). Musical experience is linked to enhanced dimension-selective attention to pitch and increased primary weighting during suprasegmental categorization. Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition, 10.1037/xlm0001217. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/xlm0001217
Jasmin, K., Tierney, A., Obasih, C., & Holt, L. (2023). Short-term perceptual reweighting in suprasegmental categorization. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30(1), 373-382.
Edwards, L. J., McColgan, P., Helbling, S., Zarkali, A., Vaculčiaková, L., Pine, K. J., ... & Weiskopf, N. (2023). Quantitative MRI maps of human neocortex explored using cell type-specific gene expression analysis. Cerebral Cortex, 33(9), 5704-5716.
Saito, K., Kachlicka, M., Suzukida, Y., Petrova, K., Lee, B. J., & Tierney, A. (2022). Auditory precision hypothesis-L2: Dimension-specific relationships between auditory processing and second language segmental learning. Cognition, 229, 105236.
Luor, A., Luthra, S., Shinn-Cunningham, B., Tierney, A., Dick, F., & Holt, L. (2022). Statistical regularities of task-irrelevant dimensions impact auditory decisions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152(4), A230-A230.
Luthra, S., Obasih, C. O., Tierney, A., Dick, F., & Holt, L. (2022). Using frequency selectivity to examine category-informative dimension-selective attention. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 152(4), A229-A229.
Saito, K., Hanzawa, K., Petrova, K., Kachlicka, M., Suzukida, Y., & Tierney, A. (2022). Incidental and Multimodal High Variability Phonetic Training: Potential, Limits, and Future Directions. Language Learning.
Zheng, C., Saito, K., & Tierney, A. (2022). Successful second language pronunciation learning is linked to domain-general auditory processing rather than music aptitude. Second Language Research, 38(3), 477-497.
Kachlicka, M., Laffere, A., Dick, F., & Tierney, A. (2022). Slow phase-locked modulations support selective attention to sound. NeuroImage, 252, 119024.
Zhao S, Brown CA, Holt LL, & Dick F. (2022). Robust and efficient online auditory psychophysics. Trends in Hearing, 26. 233121652211187
Krishnan, S., Carey, D., Dick, F., & Pearce, M. T. (2022). Effects of statistical learning in passive and active contexts on reproduction and recognition of auditory sequences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 151(3), 555–577. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0001091
Roark, C., Lehet, M., Dick, F., & Holt, L.L. (2022). Unique motor responses are the representational glue for incidental category learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Language, Memory, and Cognition. 48(6), 769–784.
Ekert, J., Gajardo-Vidal, A., Lorca-Puls, D., Hope, T., Dick, F., Crinion, J., Green, D. and Price, C.J. (2021). Dissociating the functions of three left posterior superior temporal regions that contribute to speech perception and production. NeuroImage, 245, p.118764.
Lorenz, R., Johal, M., Dick, F., Hampshire, A., Leech, R., & Geranmayeh, F (2021). A Bayesian optimization approach for rapidly mapping residual network function in stroke, Brain, 2021;, awab109, https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awab109.
Symons, A. E., Dick, F., & Tierney, A. T. (2021). Dimension-selective attention and dimensional salience modulate cortical tracking of acoustic dimensions. NeuroImage, 244, 118544.
Jasmin K, Sun H, Tierney A (2021). Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies. Cognition 206, 104481.
Laffere, A., Dick, F., Holt, L., & Tierney, A. (2021). Attentional modulation of neural entrainment to sound streams in children with and without ADHD. NeuroImage.
Guerra, G., Tijms, J., Vaessen, A., Tierney, A., Dick, F., & Bonte, M. (2021) Loudness and intelligibility of irrelevant background speech differentially hinder children's short story reading. Mind, Brain and Education. Mind, Brain, and Education 15 (1), 77-87.
Saito, K., Kachlicka, M., Sun, H., & Tierney, A. (2020). Domain-general auditory processing as an anchor of post-pubertal L2 pronunciation learning: behavioural and neurophysiological investigations of perceptual acuity, age, experience, development, and attainment. Journal of Memory and Language. 115. 104168.
Jasmin, K., Dick, F., Stewart, L., & Tierney, A. T. (2020). Altered functional connectivity during speech perception in congenital amusia. eLife, 9, e53539.
Laffere, A., Dick, F., & Tierney, A. (2020). Effects of auditory selective attention on neural phase: individual differences and short-term training. NeuroImage, 116717.
Jasmin, K., Dick, F., Holt, L.L., & Tierney, A.T. (2020) Tailored perception: individuals’ speech and music perception strategies fit their perceptual abilities. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 914-934.
Balezeau, F., Wilson, B., Gallardo, G., Dick, F., Hopkins, W., Anwander, A., Friederici, A.D., Griffiths, T.D. and Petkov, C.I., 2020. Primate auditory prototype in the evolution of the arcuate fasciculus. Nature Neuroscience, 23(5), pp.611-614.
Tierney, A.T., Rosen, S. & Dick, F. (2020). Speech-in-speech perception, non-verbal selective attention, and musical training. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46, 968-979.
Jasmin K, Dick F and Tierney AT. The Multidimensional Battery of Prosody Perception (MBOPP) Wellcome Open Res 2020, 5:4
Jasmin, K., Sun, H., & Tierney, A. T. (2020). Effects of language experience on domain-general perceptual strategies. Cognition. bioRxiv.
Dick, F., & Krishnan, S. (2019). What underlies the emergence of stimulus-and domain-specific neural responses? Commentary on Hernandez, Claussenius-Kalman, Ronderos, Castilla-Earls, Sun, Weiss, & Young (2018). Journal of Neurolinguistics, 49, 235-236.
Gotts, S. J., Ramot, M., Jasmin, K., & Martin, A. (2019). Altered resting-state dynamics in autism spectrum disorder: Causal to the social impairment?. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 90, 28-36.
Jasmin, K., Lima, C. F., & Scott, S. K. (2019). Understanding rostral–caudal auditory cortex contributions to auditory perception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 20(7), 425-434.
Jasmin, K., Gotts, S. J., Xu, Y., Liu, S., Riddell, C. D., Ingeholm, J. E., ... & Martin, A. (2019). Overt social interaction and resting state in young adult males with autism: core and contextual neural features. Brain, 142(3), 808-822.
Kachlicka, M., Saito, K., & Tierney, A. (2019). Successful second language learning is tied to robust domain-general auditory processing and stable neural representation of sound. Brain and language, 192, 15-24.
Krishnan, S., Carey, D., Dick, F., & Pearce, M. (2019). Effects of statistical learning in passive and active contexts on reproduction and recognition of auditory sequences.
Kuroyanagi, J., Sato, S., Ho, M. J., Chiba, G., Six, J., Pfordresher, P., Tierney A., Fujii S. & Savage, P. (2019). Automatic comparison of human music, speech, and bird song suggests uniqueness of human scales. In 9th Folk Music Analysis Conference.
Saito, K., Tierney, A., & Sun, H. (2019). Explicit and implicit aptitude effects on second language speech learning: Scrutinizing segmental, prosodic and temporal sensitivity and performance via behavioral and neurophysiological measures. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22, 1123-1140.
Zhao, S., Wai Yum, N., Benjamin, L., Benhamou, E., Yoneya, M., Furukawa, S., Dick, F., Slaney, M., & Chait, M. (2019). Rapid ocular responses are modulated by bottom-up driven auditory salience. Journal of Neuroscience, 0776–19.
Zhao, S., Chait, M., Dick, F., Dayan, P., Furukawa, S., & Liao, H. I. (2019). Pupil-linked phasic arousal evoked by violation but not emergence of regularity within rapid sound sequences. Nature communications, 10.
Bonaiuto, J. J., Meyer, S. S., Little, S., Rossiter, H., Callaghan, M. F., Dick, F., Barnes, G., & Bestmann, S. (2018). Lamina-specific cortical dynamics in human visual and sensorimotor cortices. eLife, 7, 611.
Bonaiuto, J. J., Rossiter, H. E., Meyer, S. S., Adams, N., Little, S., Callaghan, M. F., Dick, F., Bestmann, S. & Barnes, G. (2018). Non-invasive laminar inference with MEG: Comparison of methods and source inversion algorithms. NeuroImage, 167, 372–383.
Carey, D., Caprini, F., Allen, M., Lutti, A., Weiskopf, N., Rees, G., Callaghan, M.F., & Dick, F. (2018). Quantitative MRI provides markers of intra-, inter-regional, and age-related differences in young adult cortical microstructure. NeuroImage, 182, 429–440.
Casasanto, D. & Jasmin, K. M. (in press). Virtual Reality. In A. de Groot & P. Hagoort (Eds.) Research Methods in Psycholinguistics and the Neurobiology of Language (pp. 174-189). Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.
Fisher, J. M., Dick, F. K., Levy, D. F., & Wilson, S. M. (2018). Neural representation of vowel formants in tonotopic auditory cortex. NeuroImage, 178, 574–582.
Holt, L. L., Tierney, A. T., Guerra, G., Laffere, A., & Dick, F. (2018). Dimension-selective attention as a possible driver of dynamic, context-dependent re-weighting in speech processing. Hearing Research, 366, 50–64.
Saito, Kazuya and Sun, Hui and Tierney, Adam (2018) Explicit and implicit aptitude effects on second language speech learning: scrutinizing segmental and suprasegmental sensitivity and performance via behavioural and neurophysiological measures. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition , ISSN 1366-7289.
Slater, J., Ashley, R., Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2018). Got rhythm? Better inhibitory control is linked with more consistent drumming and enhanced neural tracking of the musical beat in adult percussionists and nonpercussionists. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 30(1), 14-24.
Slater, J., Kraus, N., Woodruff Carr, K., Tierney, A., Azem, A., & Ashley, R. (2018). Speech-in-noise perception is linked to rhythm production skills in adult percussionists and non-musicians. Language, cognition and neuroscience, 33(6), 710-717.
Tierney, A., Patel, A. D., & Breen, M. (2018). Acoustic foundations of the speech-to-song illusion. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 147(6), 888.
Tierney, A., Patel, A. D., & Breen, M. (2018). Repetition enhances the musicality of speech and tone stimuli to similar degrees. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 35(5), 573-578.
Carey, D., Krishnan, S., Callaghan, M. F., Sereno, M. I., & Dick, F. (2017). Functional and quantitative MRI mapping of somatomotor representations of human supralaryngeal vocal tract. Cerebral Cortex, 27(1), 265–278.
Carr, K. W., Fitzroy, A. B., Tierney, A., White-Schwoch, T., & Kraus, N. (2017). Incorporation of feedback during beat synchronization is an index of neural maturation and reading skills. Brain and language, 164, 43-52.
Dick, F. K., Lehet, M. I., Callaghan, M. F., Keller, T. A., Sereno, M. I., & Holt, L. L. (2017). Extensive Tonotopic Mapping across Auditory Cortex Is Recapitulated by Spectrally Directed Attention and Systematically Related to Cortical Myeloarchitecture. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(50), 12187– 12201.
Krishnan, S., Alcock, K. J., Carey, D., Bergström, L., Karmiloff-Smith, A., & Dick, F. (2017). Fractionating nonword repetition: The contributions of short-term memory and oromotor praxis are different. PLoS ONE, 12(7), e0178356.
McGettigan, C., Jasmin, K., Eisner, F., Agnew, Z. K., Josephs, O. J., Calder, A. J., ... & Scott, S. K. (2017). You talkin’to me? Communicative talker gaze activates left-lateralized superior temporal cortex during perception of degraded speech. Neuropsychologia, 100, 51-63.
Omote, A., Jasmin, K., & Tierney, A. (2017). Successful non-native speech perception is linked to frequency following response phase consistency. cortex, 93, 146-154.
Savage, P. E., Tierney, A. T., & Patel, A. D. (2017). Global music recordings support the motor constraint hypothesis for human and avian song contour. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 34(3), 327-334.
Tierney, A., White-Schwoch, T., MacLean, J., & Kraus, N. (2017). Individual differences in rhythm skills: links with neural consistency and linguistic ability. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 29(5), 855-868.
Carr, K. W., Tierney, A., White-Schwoch, T., & Kraus, N. (2016). Intertrial auditory neural stability supports beat synchronization in preschoolers. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 17, 76-82.
Dick, F., Krishnan, S., Leech, R., & Saygin, A.P. (2016). Environmental Sounds. Chapter in ‘Neurobiology of Language’, 1st Edition, G. Hickok & S. L. Small, Eds., ISBN 9780124077942, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 1121-1138.
Dick, F., Krishnan, S., Leech, R., & Curtin, S. (2016). Language Development. Chapter in ‘Neurobiology of Language’, 1st Edition, G. Hickok & S. L. Small, Eds., ISBN 9780124077942, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 373-388.
Gijssels, T., Casasanto, L. S., Jasmin, K., Hagoort, P., & Casasanto, D. (2016). Speech accommodation without priming: The case of pitch. Discourse Processes, 53(4), 233-251.
Hiroya, S., Jasmin, K., Krishnan, S., Lima, C., Ostarek, M., Boebinger, D., & Scott, S. K. (2016). Speech rhythm measure of non-native speech using a statistical phoneme duration model. In The 8th annual meeting of the society for the neurobiology of language.
Jasmin, K., Hiroya, S., Krishnan, S., Lima, C., Ostarek, M., Boebinger, D., & Scott, S. K. (2016). The neural basis of perceiving speech with a non-native rhythm. In the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society.
Jasmin, K. M. (2016). Functional brain imaging studies of two-person vocal interaction (Doctoral dissertation, UCL (University College London).
Jasmin, K. M., McGettigan, C., Agnew, Z. K., Lavan, N., Josephs, O., Cummins, F., & Scott, S. K. (2016). Cohesion and joint speech: right hemisphere contributions to synchronized vocal production. Journal of Neuroscience, 36(17), 4669-4680.
Mellem, M. S., Jasmin, K. M., Peng, C., & Martin, A. (2016). Sentence processing in anterior superior temporal cortex shows a social-emotional bias. Neuropsychologia, 89, 217-224.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2016). Getting back on the beat: links between auditory–motor integration and precise auditory processing at fast time scales. European Journal of Neuroscience, 43(6), 782-791.
Thompson, E. C., Carr, K. W., White-Schwoch, T., Tierney, A., Nicol, T., & Kraus, N. (2016). Hemispheric asymmetry of endogenous neural oscillations in young children: implications for hearing speech in noise. Scientific reports, 6, 19737.
Tierney, A., Patel, A., & Breen, M. (2016). Acoustic and musical foundations of the speech/song illusion. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (pp. 369-373).
Aydelott, J., Jamaluddin, Z., & Nixon Pearce, S. (2015). Semantic processing of unattended speech in dichotic listening. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138(2), 964-975.
Carey, D., Rosen, S., Krishnan, S., Pearce, M. T., Shepherd, A., Aydelott, J., & Dick, F. (2015). Generality and specificity in the effects of musical expertise on perception and cognition. Cognition, 137, 81–105.
Fitzroy, A. B., Krizman, J., Tierney, A., Agouridou, M., & Kraus, N. (2015). Longitudinal maturation of auditory cortical function during adolescence. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 9, 530.
Gabay, Y., Dick, F. K., Zevin, J. D., & Holt, L. L. (2015). Incidental Auditory Category Learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception and Performance. 10.1037/xhp0000073
Krishnan, S., Bergström, L., Alcock, K. J., Dick, F., & Karmiloff-Smith, A. (2015). Williams syndrome: a surprising deficit in oromotor praxis in a population with proficient language production. Neuropsychologia, 67, 82–90.
Krizman, J., Tierney, A., Fitzroy, A. B., Skoe, E., Amar, J., & Kraus, N. (2015). Continued maturation of auditory brainstem function during adolescence: A longitudinal approach. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126(12), 2348-2355.
Mohammadi, S., Carey, D., Dick, F., Diedrichsen, J., Sereno, M. I., Reisert, M., et al. (2015). Whole-Brain In-vivo Measurements of the Axonal G-Ratio in a Group of 37 Healthy Volunteers. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9(441).
Tierney, A. T., Krizman, J., & Kraus, N. (2015). Music training alters the course of adolescent auditory development. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(32), 10062-10067.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2015). Evidence for multiple rhythmic skills. PLoS One, 10(9).
Thompson, E. C., White-Schwoch, T., Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2015). Beat synchronization across the lifespan: Intersection of development and musical experience. PLoS One, 10(6).
Wilson, B., Kikuchi, Y., Sun, L., Hunter, D., Dick, F., Smith, K., et al. (2015). Auditory sequence processing reveals evolutionarily conserved regions of frontal cortex in macaques and humans. Nature Communications, 6, 8901.
Carey, D., Mercure, E., Pizzioli, F., & Aydelott, J. (2014). Auditory semantic processing in dichotic listening: Effects of competing speech, ear of presentation, and sentential bias on N400s to spoken words in context. Neuropsychologia, 65, 102-112.
Carr, K. W., White-Schwoch, T., Tierney, A. T., Strait, D. L., & Kraus, N. (2014). Beat synchronization predicts neural speech encoding and reading readiness in preschoolers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(40), 14559-14564.
Casasanto, D., Jasmin, K., Brookshire, G., & Gijssels, T. (2014). The QWERTY effect: how typing shapes word meanings and baby names. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 36, No. 36).
Evans, S., Meekings, S., Nuttall, H. E., Jasmin, K. M., Boebinger, D., Adank, P., & Scott, S. K. (2014). Does musical enrichment enhance the neural coding of syllables? Neuroscientific interventions and the importance of behavioral data. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 8, 964.
James, P. J., Krishnan, S., & Aydelott, J. (2014). Working memory predicts semantic comprehension in dichotic listening in older adults. Cognition, 133(1), 32-42.
Krishnan, S., Leech, R., Aydelott, J., & Dick, F. Recognizing environmental sounds in complex sound scenes: Change over the school years. In LSCD 2014: Workshop on Late Stages in Speech and Communication Development (p. 108).
Knowland, V. C. P., Mercure, E., Karmiloff-Smith, A., Dick, F., & Thomas, M. S. C. (2014). Audio-visual speech perception: a developmental ERP investigation. Developmental Science, 17(1), 110–124
Krishnan, S., Leech, R., Mercure, E., Lloyd-Fox, S., & Dick, F. (2014). Convergent and Divergent fMRI Responses in Children and Adults to Increasing Language Production Demands. Cerebral Cortex.
Lutti, A., Dick, F., Sereno, M. I., & Weiskopf, N. (2014). Using high-resolution quantitative mapping of R1 as an index of cortical myelination. NeuroImage, 93 Pt 2, 176–188.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2014). Auditory-motor entrainment and phonological skills: precise auditory timing hypothesis (PATH). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 949.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2014). Neural entrainment to the rhythmic structure of music. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(2), 400-408.
Tierney, A., Strait, D. L., & Kraus, N. (2014). Resting gamma power is linked to reading ability in adolescents. Developmental science, 17(1), 86-93.
Campbell, T. F., Dollaghan, C., Janosky, J., Rusiewicz, H. L., Small, S. L., Dick, F., et al. (2013). Consonant accuracy after severe pediatric traumatic brain injury: a prospective cohort study. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 56(3), 1023–1034.
Cohen Kadosh, K., Johnson, M. H., Henson, R. N. A., Dick, F., & Blakemore, S.-J. (2013). Differential face-network adaptation in children, adolescents and adults. NeuroImage, 69, 11–20.
Dick, F., Loyd-Fox, S., Blasi, A., Elwell, C., & Mills, D. (2013). Neuroimaging Methods. In D. Mareschal, B. Butterworth, & A. Tolmie (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Neuroscience (pp. 13-45). Wiley Blackwell.
Fancourt, A., Dick, F., & Stewart, L. (2013). Pitch-change detection and pitch-direction discrimination in children. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 23(2), 73.
Krishnan, S., Alcock, K. J., Mercure, E., Leech, R., Barker, E., Karmiloff-Smith, A., & Dick, F. (2013). Articulating novel words: children's oromotor skills predict nonword repetition abilities. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 56(6), 1800–1812.
Krishnan, S., Leech, R., Aydelott, J., & Dick, F. (2013). School-age children's environmental object identification in natural auditory scenes: effects of masking and contextual congruence. Hearing Research, 300, 46–55.
Meteyard, L., Price, C. J., Woollams, A. M., & Aydelott, J. (2013). Lesions impairing regular versus irregular past tense production. NeuroImage: Clinical, 3, 438-449.
Meteyard, L., Price, C. J., Woollams, A. M., & Aydelott, J. (2013, January). Lesion sites associated with past-tense production deficits in aphasia. In JOURNAL OF COGNITIVE NEUROSCIENCE (pp. 47-47). 55 HAYWARD STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02142 USA: MIT PRESS.
Sereno, M. I., Lutti, A., Weiskopf, N., & Dick, F. (2013). Mapping the human cortical surface by combining quantitative T(1) with retinotopy. Cerebral Cortex, 23(9), 2261–2268.
Slater, J., Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2013). At-risk elementary school children with one year of classroom music instruction are better at keeping a beat. PLoS One, 8(10).
Tierney, A., Krizman, J., Skoe, E., Johnston, K., & Kraus, N. (2013). High school music classes enhance the neural processing of speech. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 855.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2013). Musical training for the development of language skills: Applying Brain Plasticity to Advance and Recover Human Ability. In Changing Brains: Applying Brain Plasticity to Advance and Recover Human Ability. Elsevier.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2013). The ability to move to a beat is linked to the consistency of neural responses to sound. Journal of Neuroscience, 33(38), 14981-14988.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2013). Neural responses to sounds presented on and off the beat of ecologically valid music. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 7, 14.
Tierney, A., Strait, D. L., O’Connell, S., & Kraus, N. (2013). Developmental changes in resting gamma power from age three to adulthood. Clinical neurophysiology: official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 124(5), 1040.
Tierney, A. T., & Kraus, N. (2013). The ability to tap to a beat relates to cognitive, linguistic, and perceptual skills. Brain and language, 124(3), 225-231.
Tierney, A., Dick, F., Deutsch, D., & Sereno, M. (2013). Speech versus song: multiple pitch-sensitive areas revealed by a naturally occurring musical illusion. Cerebral Cortex, 23(2), 249-254.
Tierney, A., & Kraus, N. (2013). Music training for the development of reading skills. In Progress in brain research (Vol. 207, pp. 209-241). Elsevier.
Aydelott, J., Baer-Henney, D., Trzaskowski, M., Leech, R., & Dick, F. (2012). Sentence comprehension in competing speech: Dichotic sentence-word priming reveals hemispheric differences in auditory semantic processing. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27(7-8), 1108– 1144.
Dick, Frederic, Tierney, A. T., Lutti, A., Josephs, O., Sereno, M. I., & Weiskopf, N. (2012). In Vivo Functional and Myeloarchitectonic Mapping of Human Primary Auditory Areas. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(46), 16095–16105.
Filippi, R., Leech, R., Thomas, M. S. C., Green, D. W., & Dick, F. (2012). A bilingual advantage in controlling language interference during sentence comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(04), 858–872.
Kadosh, K. C., Johnson, M. H., Dick, F., Kadosh, R. C., & Blakemore, S.-J. (2012). Effects of Age, Task Performance, and Structural Brain Development on Face Processing. Cerebral Cortex, 23(7), 1630–1642.
Parbery-Clark, A., Tierney, A., Strait, D. L., & Kraus, N. (2012). Musicians have fine-tuned neural distinction of speech syllables. Neuroscience, 219, 111-119. Chicago
Tierney, A., Dick, F., Deutsch, D., & Sereno, M. (2012). Speech versus Song: Multiple Pitch-Sensitive Areas Revealed by a Naturally Occurring Musical Illusion. Cerebral Cortex, 23(2), 249–254.
Casasanto, D., & Jasmin, K. (2012). The hands of time: Temporal gestures in English speakers. Cognitive Linguistics, 23(4), 643-674.
Jasmin, K., & Casasanto, D. (2012). The QWERTY Effect: How typing shapes the meanings of words. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 19(3), 499-504.
Aydelott, J., Baer-Henney, D., Trzaskowski, M., Leech, R., & Dick, F. (2012). Sentence comprehension in competing speech: Dichotic sentence-word priming reveals hemispheric differences in auditory semantic processing. Language and Cognitive Processes, 27(7-8), 1108-1144.
Druks, J., Aydelott, J., Genethliou, M., Jacobs, H., & Weekes, B. (2012). Progressive dyslexia: evidence from Hungarian and English. Behavioural neurology, 25(3), 185-191.
Dick, F., Lee, H. L., Nusbaum, H., & Price, C. J. (2011). Auditory-motor expertise alters “speech selectivity” in professional musicians and actors. Cerebral Cortex, 21(4), 938–948.
Cohen Kadosh, K., Cohen Kadosh, R., Dick, F., & Johnson, M. H. (2011). Developmental changes in effective connectivity in the emerging core face network. Cerebral Cortex, 21(6), 1389–1394.
Filippi, R., Richardson, F. M., Dick, F., Leech, R., Green, D. W., Thomas, M. S. C., & Price, C. J. (2011). The right posterior paravermis and the control of language interference. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(29), 10732–10740.
Tierney, A. T., Russo, F. A., & Patel, A. D. (2011). The motor origins of human and avian song structure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108(37), 15510-15515.
Tierney, A., Parbery-Clark, A., Skoe, E., & Kraus, N. (2011). Frequency-dependent effects of background noise on subcortical response timing. Hearing research, 282(1-2), 145-150.
Cohen Kadosh, K., Henson, R., Cohen Kadosh, R., Johnson, M.H., & Dick, F. (2010). Task-dependent Activation of Face-sensitive Cortex: An fMRI Adaptation Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 22(5):903-17.
Tierney, A. T. (2010). The structure and perception of human vocalizations (Doctoral dissertation, UC San Diego).
Casasanto, D., & Jasmin, K. (2010). Good and bad in the hands of politicians: Spontaneous gestures during positive and negative speech. Plos one, 5(7), e11805.
Staum Casasanto, L., Jasmin, K., & Casasanto, D. (2010). Virtually accommodating: Speech rate accommodation to a virtual interlocutor. In 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2010) (pp. 127-132). Cognitive Science Society.
Casasanto, D., & Jasmin, K. (2010). Monday is before Tuesday in speech, but left of Tuesday in gesture. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 32, No. 32).
Jasmin, K., & Casasanto, D. (2010). Stereotyping: How the QWERTY keyboard shapes the mental lexicon. In The 16th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing [AMLaP 2010] (p. 159). University of York.
Aydelott, J., Leech, R., & Crinion, J. (2010). Normal adult aging and the contextual influences affecting speech and meaningful sound perception. Trends in amplification, 14(4), 218-232.
Saygin, A.P., Leech, R., & Dick, F. (2010). Nonverbal auditory agnosia with lesion to Wernicke's area. Neuropsychologia, 48(1):107-13.
Casasanto, D., & Jasmin, K. (2009). Emotional Valence is Body-Specific: Evidence from spontaneous gestures during US presidential debates. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 31, No. 31).
Casasanto, D., Jasmin, K., Verhagen, M., & Van Rees Vellinga, M. (2009). Body-specificity of emotional valence in language, thought, and gesture. In Annual Meeting of the Embodied & Situated Language Processing (ELSP).
Devlin, J. T., & Aydelott, J. (2009). Speech perception: Motoric contributions versus the motor theory. Current Biology, 19(5), R198-R200.
Leech, R., Gygi, B., Aydelott, J., & Dick, F. (2009). Informational factors in identifying environmental sounds in natural auditory scenes. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 126(6), 3147-55.
Cummings, A., Saygin, A.P., Bates, E.A., & Dick, F (2009). Infants’ recognition of meaningful verbal and nonverbal sounds. Language Learning and Development, 5(3), 172-190.
Mercure, E., Ashwin, E., Dick, F., Halit, H., Auyeung, B., Baron-Cohen, S., & Johnson, M.H. (2009). IQ, fetal testosterone and individual variability in children's functional lateralization. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2537-43.
Leech, R., Holt, L., Devlin, J., & Dick, F. (2009). Expertise with artificial non-speech sounds recruits speech-sensitive cortical regions. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 5234-9.
Leech, R., & Dick, F. (2009). Language Following Congenital Disorders. In Encyclopedia of Neuroscience. L Squire, Editor, pages 329-335.
Tierney, A. T., Bergeson, T. R., & Pisoni, D. B. (2009). General intelligence and modality-specific differences in performance: a response to. Empirical musicology review: EMR, 4(1), 37.
Cummings, A., Ceponiene, R., Dick, F., Saygin, A.P., & Townsend, J., (2008). A developmental ERP study of verbal and non-verbal semantic processing. Brain Research, 1208, 137-149.
Dick, F., Leech, R., & Richardson, F. (2008). Language Development. Chapter in Child Neuropsychology: Concepts, Theory, & Practice. J. Reed & J. Warner Rogers, Eds. Blackwell.
Dick, F., Richardson, F., & Saccuman, M.C. (2008). Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to study developmental disorders. In Understanding Developmental Language Disorders: From Theory to Practice, Rutter, M., Bishop, D., & Norbury, C., editors, Psychology Press.
Mercure, E., Dick, F., & Johnson, M.H. (2008). Featural and configural face processing differentially modulate ERP components. Brain Research, , 1239, 162-70.
Mercure, E., Dick, F., Halit, H., Kaufman, J., & Johnson, M.H. (2008). Differential Lateralization for Words and Faces: Category or Psychophysics? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20(11), 2070-87.
Tierney, A. T., Bergeson-Dana, T. R., & Pisoni, D. B. (2008). Effects of early musical experience on auditory sequence memory. Empirical musicology review: EMR, 3(4), 178.
Tierney, A. T., Russo, F. A., & Patel, A. D. (2008). Empirical comparisons of pitch patterns in music, speech, and birdsong. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123(5), 3721.
Leech, R., Aydelott, J., Symons, G., Carnevale, J., & Dick, F. (2007). The effect of semantic and attentional distractors on syntactic processing in typical development and adulthood. Developmental Science, 10(6), 794-813.
Dick, F., Saygin, A.P., Pitzalis, S., Galati, G., Bentrovato, S., D'Amico, S., Wilson, S., Bates, E., & Pizzamiglio, G. (2007). What is involved and what is necessary for complex linguistic and non- linguistic auditory processing: evidence from fMRI and lesion data. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 1-18.
Leech, R., Aydelott, J., Symons, G., Carnevale, J., & Dick, F. (2007). The development of sentence interpretation: effects of perceptual, attentional and semantic interference. Developmental science, 10(6), 794-813.
Leech, R., Dick, F., Aydelott, J., & Gygi, B. (2007). Naturalistic auditory scene analysis in children and adults. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(5), 3183-3184.
Roland, D., Dick, F., & Elman, J. (2007). Frequency of basic English grammatical structures: A corpus analysis. Journal of Memory and Language, 57, 348-379.
Cummings, A., Ceponiene, R., Koyama, A., Saygin, A.P., Townsend, J., & Dick, F. (2006). Auditory semantic networks for words and natural sounds. Brain Research, 1115, 92-107.
Dick, F., Leech, R., Moses, P. & Saccuman, M.C. (2006). The interplay of learning and development in shaping neural organization. Developmental Science, pp 14-17.
Clopper, C. G., Pisoni, D. B., & Tierney, A. T. (2006). Effects of open-set and closed-set task demands on spoken word recognition. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 17(5), 331-349.
Aydelott, J., Dick, F., & Mills, D. L. (2006). Effects of acoustic distortion and semantic context on event‐related potentials to spoken words. Psychophysiology, 43(5), 454-464.
Aydelott, J., Kutas, M., & Federmeier, K. D. (2005). Perceptual and attentional factors in language comprehension: a domain-general approach. Beyond nature-nurture: Essays in honor of Elizabeth Bates, 281-314.
Saygin A.P,, Dick, F., & Bates, E., (2005) An online task for contrasting auditory processing in the verbal and nonverbal domains and norms for college-age and elderly subjects. Behavioral Research Methods, 37(1):99-110.
Aydelott, J., & Bates, E. (2004). Effects of acoustic distortion and semantic context on lexical access. Language and cognitive processes, 19(1), 29-56.
Cardillo, E. R., Aydelott, J., Matthews, P. M., & Devlin, J. T. (2004). Left inferior prefrontal cortex activity reflects inhibitory rather than facilitatory priming. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16(9), 1552-1561.
Dick, F., Wulfeck, B., Krupa-Kwiatkowski, M., & Bates, E. (2004). The development of complex sentence interpretation in typically developing children compared with children with specific language impairments or early unilateral focal lesions. Developmental Science, 7(3), 360-377.
Dick, F., Saygin, A.P., Moineau, S., Aydelott, J., & Bates, E. (2004). Language in an embodied brain; The role of animal models. Cortex. 40, 40-42.
Stiles, J., Moses, P., Passarotti, A., Dick, F., & Buxton, R. (2004). Exploring developmental change in the neural bases of higher cognitive functions: The promise of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Developmental Neuropsychology, 24(2-3), 641-68.
Bates, E., Wilson, S., Saygin, A.P., Dick, F., Sereno, M.I., Knight, R.T., & Dronkers, N.F. (2003). Assessing brain-behavior relationships using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping. Nature Neuroscience, 6(5), 448-50.
Dick, F., Bates, E., & Ferstl, E.C. (2003). Spectral and temporal degradation of speech as a simulation of morphosyntactic deficits in English and German. Brain and Language, 85(3), 535-42.
Clopper, C. G., Tierney, A. T., & Pisoni, D. B. (2003). Effects of response format on speech intelligibility in noise: Results obtained from open‐set, closed‐set, and delayed response tasks. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 113(4), 2254-2254.
Saygin, A.P., Dick, F., Wilson, S.W., Dronkers, N.F., & Bates, E., (2003). Shared neural resources for processing language and environmental sounds: Evidence from aphasia. Brain, 126, 928-945.
Tierney, A. T., & Pisoni, D. B. (2003). Some effects of early musical experience on sequence memory spans. Research on Spoken Language Processing, 26, 289-305.
Bates, E., & Dick, F. (2002). Language, gesture, and the developing brain. Developmental Psychobiology, 40(3), 293-310.
Dick, F., Gernsbacher, M.A., & Roberson, R.R. (2002). Syntactic processing in high- and low-skill comprehenders working under normal and stressful conditions. CRL Newsletter, February, 2002, 14(1).
Dick, F., Bussiere, J., & Saygin, A.P. (2002). The effects of linguistic mediation on the identification of environmental sounds. CRL Newsletter, August 200, 14(3).
Dick, F., Bates, E., Wulfeck, B., Utman, J., Dronkers, N. & Gernsbacher, M.A. (2001). Language deficits, localization and grammar: evidence for a distributive model of language breakdown in aphasics and normals. Psychological Review, 108(4), 759–788.
Dick, F., & Elman, J. (2001) Frequency of syntactic structures over discourse levels. CRL Newsletter, Vol 13 (1).
Bates, E., Marangolo, P., Pizzamiglio, L., & Dick, F. (2001). Linguistic and nonlinguistic priming in aphasia. Brain and Language, 75(4), 1-8.
Dick, F. & Bates, E. (2000). Grodzinsky’s Latest Stand - or, just how specific are "lesion-specific" deficits? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23(1), 69-71.
Bates, E., & Dick, F. (2000). Beyond phrenology: Brain and language in the next millennium. Brain and Language, 71(1), 18-21.
Bates, E., Dick, F. & Wulfeck, B. (1999). Not so fast: domain-general factors can account for selective deficits in grammatical processing, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 22:1, 96-97.
Aydelott, J., & Blumstein, S. E. (1995). On the nature of lexical processing in Broca's aphasia: Effects of subphonetic acoustic differences on lexical access. Brain and Language, 51, 156.
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Caplan, D., & Utman, J. A. (1994). Selective acoustic phonetic impairment and lexical access in an aphasic patient. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 95(1), 512-517.
Levitt, A. G., & Utman, J. G. A. (1992). From babbling towards the sound systems of English and French: A longitudinal two-case study. Journal of child language, 19(1), 19-49.
Aydelott, J. (1989). An Investigation of the Relationship of Infant Babbling to Later Speech: The Influence of the Language Environment and Physical Maturation (Doctoral dissertation, Wellesley College.).








The Alphalab has behavioral and EEG testing facilities in the main Birkbeck building, and performs MRI research at the Birkbeck/UCL Centre for NeuroImaging (BUCNI) located in 26 Bedford Way, across Woburn Square from the Centre for Brain and Cognitive Development in the Henry Wellcome Building. Student and postdoctoral offices are located in the main Birkbeck building (where the PIs have their offices) as well as 26 Bedford Way near BUCNI, where Fred Dick has his MRI lab.

The behavioral testing suites are heavily sound attenuated, and allow for high-quality audio recording with Sennheiser and Rode microphones directly onto disk via MStudio interfaces. Behavioral testing uses primarily Mac devices running Matlab or PsychoPy, with Sennheiser HD25 headphones; online testing is conducted via the Dept of Psychological Science's unlimited Gorilla license, with technical support via the department or Gorilla. There is a full audiometry setup for establishing hearing thresholds, along with calibration equipment for all audio devices.
EEG work is currently conducted in the shielded IAC booths in Birkbeck's Henry Wellcome Building using a BioSemi ActiveTwo 32-channel EEG system (for cortical and auditory brainstem recording) and Etymotic ER-3A earbuds. Birkbeck has also committed to installing a new IAC electrically-shielded booth for auditory EEG in the main Birkbeck building this academic year.